Prayer is the foundation of all we do at Anglican Diocese of All Nations. Join us in prayer for our diocese, for our parishes, and for the communities we serve. Pray that we may faithfully make disciples. Pray that we live as faithful witnesses of the Love made manifest in Jesus Christ. Pray as we plant churches in new communities
We are a diverse group of Christians worshipping together in the Anglican tradition. Our churches range from old to new, high to low, predominantly African to predominantly Anglo. What holds us together is our commitment to the Gospel, the authority of Scripture, and the Body of Christ gathered where the Word of God is faithfully preached and the Sacraments duly administered.
We welcome you to join us as we work to make disciples of Jesus Christ in all nations.

Lawrence Stookey
“To be deeply Christian is to know and to live out of the conviction that the whole human family dwells continuously at the intersection of time and eternity.”
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